
How To Migrate To Windows 10

Copy File, Data Exchange. Transfer file concept - Vector

Microsoft removed Easy Transfer from Windows 10, but you can nevertheless move user profiles between PCs. Microsoft accounts are easy to transfer; you can move files manually. Transwiz (costless) and PCmover (paid) also do a good job.

Easy Transfer Used To Make Things Easy

Windows Easy transfer program with "NO" symbol over it.

Microsoft introduced Windows Easy Transfer with Windows Vista and supported it in Windows vii, viii, and viii.1. It was a groovy free option to bring your settings and local user profiles from an old computer to a new computer. Starting with Windows 8, you could cull to sign in with a Microsoft business relationship. Signing in with that same account on any device would transfer many of your settings.

When Microsoft released Windows 10, it did not bring forward Easy Transfer. Instead, Microsoft chose to partner with Laplink and for a short period offered free admission to its PCmover software. Unfortunately, that free offer is no longer available. If you want to apply PCmover, you'll demand to spend at least $xxx now.

What's the Best Way to Motion a Windows User Profile?

We investigated several methods of manually moving Windows user profiles from i PC to another. Merely, in each case, we couldn't consistently motility the profile without some farther troubleshooting afterward. Nosotros tin can't recommend a process that requires and so much manual fixing of file permissions and other complicated work.

That leaves you with a few reliable options to move your account: Convert your Local account to a Microsoft account, use free software like Transwiz, or buy PCmover. Each has benefits and downsides.

  • Converting your local Account to a Microsoft account is free and easy, and you won't need to download any exterior software. Only it won't motility everything over. Files you have exterior OneDrive, and settings for 3rd-party apps like Photoshop won't make the move.
  • TransWiz is costless and elementary software that will transfer a unmarried profile business relationship from 1 device to some other. If y'all accept quite a few profiles, you'll spend extra time exporting and importing since it doesn't handle multiple accounts well. Additionally, it can't transfer the business relationship you're signed into, so you'll need at least two accounts on the source car. Y'all'll also need an external drive to motion your data.
  • PCmover is the more powerful option. Information technology can motility multiple profiles at once, and you tin facilitate the transfer over your network, a USB transfer cable, or an external hard drive. Additionally, it tin can transfer files, settings, and even some programs. Notwithstanding, it is the most expensive option, starting at $30 and going up from there.

Option ane: Use a Microsoft Business relationship and Transfer Files

If you're using Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, your Microsoft business relationship user profile will automatically transfer with a sign-in. If y'all currently use a local business relationship instead of a Microsoft account, yous may desire to consider converting it to a Microsoft account. Some features, similar OneDrive and device encryption, won't piece of work without it.

This won't bring everything over; you'll yet need to manually transfer any important files and reinstall programs with an external hard drive. Think of this as a quick way to bring over Windows settings and get cloud sync going.

The conversion procedure is easy, especially if you lot already have a Microsoft account. If you don't, you'll need to make ane.  You'll demand to start this process on the PC with the business relationship you want to transfer.

Click on the Start push button then the Settings gear. Then choose Accounts, followed past "Sign in with a Microsoft business relationship" instead. Then follow the setup wizard.

Next, nosotros'll manually move over information using Window 10'south File History tool. Later on connecting a hard drive become to Settings > Update & Security > Backup. Select add a bulldoze, and so your external hard drive.

backup settings dialog, showing add a drive options

Windows volition start making a fill-in automatically. By default, the backup includes the Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos folders. If you want boosted folders, click on the "More options" text and choose the folders to add together.

Have your external to your new auto and plug it in. Go back to Settings > Update & Security > Backup, and setup file history once more using the external drive from earlier. Click more options, coil to the bottom (past the list of folders) and click "restore files from a current backup."

Scan to your about recent backup, cull the folders you desire to restore then click on the green button.

File history restore dialog, showing folders that have been saved.

You will need to reinstall any programs to finish things up.

RELATED: How to Use Windows' File History to Dorsum Up Your Data

Option 2: Download TransWiz (Complimentary)

Transwiz profile select dialog, with TestUser profile selected.

Transwiz is an excellent choice to consider if you need want to transfer one or two local accounts, and don't want to convert to a Microsoft account. You'll yet need to manually move some things over, just like the Microsoft account conversion procedure, withal. You'll also need an external hard drive.

Get-go, download and install Transwiz on both the erstwhile and new motorcar. The program is free.

On the erstwhile automobile, if yous only accept one contour, create a new one with admin rights. And then switch to it. If you have more than one profile, make certain at least two have admin rights and change to whichever profile you aren't currently transferring. Transwiz can't transfer a profile if y'all're currently signed into it.

Outset Transwiz and select "I want to transfer data to some other calculator" and click Next. And so choose the profile you want to switch and click Next.

Choose your external drive as the location to salvage; click side by side. Then enter a password if you want one. If you lot don't, get out both fields blank and click OK.

Transwiz will create a nil file on your external drive. Have information technology to your new machine, open up Transwiz there, and choose the restore data pick. Point information technology to the nil file on the drive (no need to unzip it yourself), and Transwiz volition practice the rest. A car restart is required to finish adding the profile.

Transwiz brings over user profiles, just not any data. If you want your files and folders, use the file history process described above. Yous'll need to reinstall programs, too.

Option 3: Buy PCmover ($30)

The previous ii options will work for moving contour data, just it's up to you to transfer files, folders, and reinstall programs. PCmover volition non merely migrate your user profile, simply it will move files every bit well. More expensive options also transfer applications.

You lot'll need to download and pay for PCmover to get started. Several levels exist at different pricing, merely if you desire to movement all users and applications the "Express" version for $thirty will practise the trick. Laplink offers ethernet and USB transfer cables you tin purchase. The program will transfer information over your network, so the cables aren't required, but they can speed upward the transfer process depending on the speed of your network. All the same, another do good to this method if you can skip the external bulldoze.

Once you've installed PCmover on each PC, open up it and click through the Next buttons, providing the series number when prompted. If you purchased a transfer cable, connect it to both PCs.

PCMover with box around Next button.

On each PC, choose the other PC to connect. If y'all have a transfer cable plugged in, you may see ii entries for your devices, 1 for network connection and i for a cable connectedness. Select the cable connection for both. Then click "OK."

Multiple computers dialog with boxes around computer options and ok button.

PCmover volition try to guess the direction to motility information. If it gets it incorrect, you tin click on the words "Switch transfer direction." Then on the "new PC" (that is, the PC yous're moving data to) click "Analyze PC."

Transfer dialog with boxes around "switch transfer direction" and "analyze pc" boxes.

Depending on the amount of data to look through, yous may need to await awhile while the program scans your PC. Eventually, you'll meet an corporeality of information to be transferred. If you'd like more granular control, click "View details."

Transfer details with box around "view details" option.

From here, you tin drill downward into different categories and uncheck anything y'all don't desire to transfer. Once y'all take everything to your liking, click "Start Transfer."

In our example, it took about five minutes to transfer twenty gigs of data over a USB 3 transfer cable. If yous have more to motility, or you lot are using a network connectedness (or both), it may take longer. When PCmover finishes, it will prompt to restart your computer. Once yous the reboot completes, you're done.

It's a shame Microsoft removed EasyTransfer in Windows ten, but with Microsoft accounts and cloud options like OneDrive and Dropbox or large external drives, it is less necessary than information technology used to be. Transwiz tin can still do a decent job if y'all're looking for a gratis solution. And, while Laplink's PCmover does have a cost associated to it, the programme works very well and is extremely easy to utilize.

If yous demand to move everything in your PC, you should take a closer look at PCmover.


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