
Hide Tab In Matlab App Designer

Unfortunately, as reported in the comments, the uitab does not have a enable property.

This is the list of the iutab object:

                      BackgroundColor     BeingDeleted       BusyAction    ButtonDownFcn         Children        CreateFcn        DeleteFcn  ForegroundColor HandleVisibility    Interruptible           Parent         Position   SizeChangedFcn              Tag            Title    TooltipString             Type    UIContextMenu            Units         UserData                  

A possible workaround could be to enable / disable the uicontrols belonging to the uitab.

You can get the list of uicontrols of a uitab since they handles are stored in the children property.

Once you have the handles, you can set their enable property to either on or off.

In the following code:

  • a uitabgroupis created including two iutab
  • in each iutab some uicontrols are added with the initial enable status set to 'off`
  • in the figure, two checkbox are added to enable / disable the uicontrols of the two uitab

The functin that get the hanles and enable / disable the uicontrols has been directly written as callbak of the checkbox

          % Create a Figure f = figure; % Add a uitabgroup tabgp = uitabgroup(f,'Position',[.05 .05 .3 .8]); % Add two uitab tab1 = uitab(tabgp,'Title','Tab #1'); tab2 = uitab(tabgp,'Title','Tab #2'); % Add some uicontrols to the first uitab (initial status = disabled) % Add a Pushbutton uicontrol('parent',tab1,'style','pushbutton','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.1 .1 .3 .1],'string','OK','enable','off') % Add a checkbox uicontrol('parent',tab1,'style','checkbox','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.1 .3 .6 .1],'string','Checkbox #1','enable','off') % Add a radiobutton uicontrol('parent',tab1,'style','radio','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.1 .6 .5 .1],'string','Radio #1','enable','off') % Add another radiobutton uicontrol('parent',tab1,'style','radio','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.1 .5 .5 .1],'string','Radio #2','enable','off')  % Add some uicontrols to the first uitab % Add a Pushbutton uicontrol('parent',tab2,'style','pushbutton','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.1 .1 .3 .1],'string','OK','enable','off') % Add a checkbox uicontrol('parent',tab2,'style','checkbox','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.1 .3 .6 .1],'string','Checkbox #1','enable','off') % Add a radiobutton uicontrol('parent',tab2,'style','radio','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.1 .6 .5 .1],'string','Radio #1','enable','off') % Add another radiobutton uicontrol('parent',tab2,'style','radio','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.1 .5 .5 .1],'string','Radio #2','enable','off') % Add two checkbox to the Figure to enable / disable the uicontrols in the % uitab uicontrol('parent',f,'style','checkbox','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.4 .3 .6 .1],'string','Enable Tab 1 uicontrols', ...    'callback','tab1_c=get(tab1,''children'');e_d=''off'';if(get(gcbo,''value'') == 1) e_d=''on''; end;set(tab1_c(:),''Enable'',e_d)') uicontrol('parent',f,'style','checkbox','unit','normalized', ...    'position',[.4 .4 .6 .1],'string','Enable Tab 2 uicontrols', ...    'callback','tab2_c=get(tab2,''children'');e_d=''off'';if(get(gcbo,''value'') == 1) e_d=''on''; end;set(tab2_c(:),''Enable'',e_d)')                  

enter image description here

Hope this helps.


Hide Tab In Matlab App Designer


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